Saturday, 5 February 2011

Happy Birthday to Facebook – 7 Years old Now

Happy Birthday to Facebook – 7 Years old Now

Facebook celebrated its 7th birthday on Friday, 4th February 2011. It indeed is a long journey from a college website to the most successful website worth billions of Dollars. With over Five hundred million users, billions of pageviews and a never-ending supply of embarrassing status message updates, facebook is looking forward to penetrate more in almost every aspect of life.
Have you ever thought a small college site back in 2004 will sweep most of your time today? We doubt ! Here is a little summary of number of users facebook is having since 2004.
2004 –> 1 Million users.
2005 –> 5.5 Million users.
2006 –> 12 Million users.
2007 –> 50 Million users.
2008 –> 100 Million users.
2009 –> 350 Million users.
2010 –> 500 Million users.
2011 –> Website worth over 50 billion dollars.
Share your thoughts on Facebook’s last seven years in the comments — as well as where you think the site will be in the years to come.

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